This is my motivational poster for graphic design. I decided to do recycling and the picture on the right is the original picture that I started with. I made a picture of the recycling logo with my pen tool and then brought it in on another layer above this grass one. Next I followed a combination of tutorials to help me get the grass to be in the shape of my recycle logo. After that I added a couple affects to it including bevel and extrude, drop shadow, and satin to get the look of the logo that you can see on the left below the grass picture here.
These are links to the tutorials that I used to help me create this project:
After that I needed to create a background for my logo to sit on. I used a tutorial to help me make a grudge effect for the background. First I dragged a photo of crinkled paper in and then rotated it then I put a white layer under that and set the crinkled paper layer to overlay that gave it the sort of affect seen above. Then I added a green color layer on the and that became my background. After that the only thing left to do was add my text and give it the same affects as the logo above and then I was done.
Tutorials to help me with this second tutorial can be seen here
The Final image can be seen at the top of the post.